4 Ways To Avoid The Photo Popsicle
There's always a lot to think about for the professional photographer much less the casual picture 'taker.' Here's one tip that's pretty easy to avoid. The Popsicle! 1. Anytime you 'pose' your photo think about what's growing out of the subject. I call that the popsicle. It's distracting and easy to avoid. 2. I scoured my photos for an example and finally found this ONE. I have taken many photos with things growing out of my clients. I dump them as soon as I notice the problem. 3. You only need to move a couple feet or even inches left or right up or down to avoid the problem. In the case of the sample photo it was even growing out of his ear. 4. You probably will never find actual popsicle sticks in nature growing out of any head but you will photograph something like the sample. Happens ALL the time. Enjoy! Check out my article 15 Tips For Better Headshots I hope that you find this little tidbit helpful. If you enjoy the ...