5 Common Challenges Hiring a Brand Photographer: Commercial Use License

Without this one thing, your photo session will be a complete waste!

Today’s challenge is a BIG one and very few people think to ask about it.

Yesterday, we talked about how hiring a traditional photographer for personal brand photography is a mistake. Most traditional photographers do not understand how to translate a brand into images. Images that don’t truly represent your brand won’t actually help you grow your business and connect with your audience.

Today’s challenge is related.

Challenge #2: Not asking if a commercial use license is included.
Most traditional photographers do NOT allow you to use their images commercially. This means that you can’t use them for business purposes in any way. If you want to use images in your business, you MUST have a commercial use license. Since you’ll be using the images to grow your business and make money, you should expect to pay more for these images than you would for a personal use photo session.
Traditionally, commercial use licenses vary in price based on distribution numbers, the location the photos are used, how many copies will be distributed, what channels will be used to distribute them, how long you’ll be allowed to use them, and so on.
Quite frankly, it’s very complicated and difficult to track and deal with. This is why working with a Personal Brand Photographer is ideal. Personal Brand Photographers include the commercial use licenses that you need in their price. No confusing tracking.No complicated pricing. One price gives you almost unlimited commercial use.
This is important, because, for example, if a post goes viral, the last thing you want is to get a licensing bill from your photographer, or worse, have to pull it down because you didn’t have a commercial use license.

Pro Tip #2: Ask for details about their usage license and contract before making a decision.

If a photographer doesn’t have a contract or usage license or if things get awkward when you ask about them, they likely won’t understand your mindset as an entrepreneur. If they don’t have the tools to handle commercial work, how can you expect them to understand YOUR needs as an entrepreneur?

Do you have questions about how you can use the Personal Brand Photos I create for you? Hit reply and ask. I’d be happy to share more.

P.S. It’s not just commercial use that you have to worry about. In the next email, I’ll share another limitation that you’ll have if you work with a traditional photographer instead of a Personal Brand Photographer. See you there!

Yours truly, Linda - 480-353-9415

FREE series subscription: https://bit.ly/2Iz5kWj
Instagram: lindakazares

Portfolio: LindaKazares.com


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