Top 14 Productive Ways to use Corporate Event Photography Part 1 of 2

 (Part 2 Will Cover How Pre-Event Planning will Enhance the Results of Corporate Event Photography)

The original title of this article was 'Where do your event photos go to die?' It seemed a little harsh. Practically speaking, though, I know that most photos taken at an event will end up in a digital boneyard. Why?

    • Organizers don’t know what to do with them
    • The person responsible is too busy to follow-up
    • The company may lack a marketing perspective
    • The company uses stock photos. One hopes it doesn’t show up on a competitor’s website, just sayin’! It’s been known to happen.
    • A strategic plan wasn't put into place prior to the event 
    • Finally, Who cares! Wow.
I have to confess that when I produced events in the 90’s I didn’t have photos taken. That was before the ubiquitous availability of digital photography. Do I wish I had?  You bet because there are so many relevant and valuable uses for the photos from events. Let’s go through some here.

Where to use your event photos:
  1. Social media
  2. Company website
  3. Marketing materials: print, articles, signage and any promotion
  4. Table top albums for an impressive front office
  5. Albums given to key attendees/VIPs - reminder of their participation, or showcase an individual or group
  6. Memories - hopefully good!
  7. Company wall decor (wall of fame)
  8. Sales presentations
  9. Branding
  10. Event marketing
  11. Document the environment for future sponsor sales
  12. Document event expenses
  13. Justify a bigger event budget
  14. Employee recognition and motivation
There's a lot to consider that will impact the planning stage. It's REALLY important to determine how you'll use them as it will impact the photographers strategy for what equipment to use, setup for fixed location photos, photo orientation, file sizes, printing, location restrictions and more. It's as important to make sure you have a plan which we will cover in our next Tip Tuesday. Enjoy the process! Linda


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