Part 1 of 2 Thoughts for Better Visuals During a Virtual Meetings

In spite of the fact that we're not meeting in person, why is it less important that we present ourselves in a professional manner online? Think of your online video image as personal branding.

This article is a little bit of a rant - very little - but I've noticed a few things during an online meeting that I want to share.

I am definitely guilty of some of the following so let's improve together as we learn more about the technology and the fact that we will be using it for a long time going forward.

 This meeting participant totally shocked me. I was in a meeting for professional women and this one was in addition to sitting just like you see her, she was also crocheting. Then she would get up, come back, get up, move around. She's the prime example of what not to do in 1, 2 and 3 in this post.
  1. Pay Attention - It's frustrating to see someone who is presenting or part of a group discussion when others are doing paperwork, looking bored, generally not paying attention. How do you feel if someone yawns at your presentation? Solution: Keep attention to who's speaking as if you are in your clients' office and they just made your quota for the year. That would keep your attention for sure. Keep eye contact with the camera on your device. Look interested. Maybe smile now and then!
  2. Dress in Professional Attire - Would you wear a workout shirt to a business meeting? No. Then why are there so many on video calls who look like they just rolled out of bed? Solution: Wear something professional. Casual is fine. Besides, we only need to dress up halfway. Feel free to keep your pajamas on the waist down.
  3. Stay in One Place, Stop Roaming - I go bonkers if someone on a call starts walking around (I get motion sick), driving in a car, or putting their phone on a table so the ceiling is the only this that can be seen. If you're that busy you may not need to be on the call. We appreciate that you're trying though.
Of course, I've done some of this faux pas. Please don't get defensive if anything hits home or if you think I think I know better. I don't. This is an accumulation of my experiences. Send me ideas that you think will improve the online video meeting experience. 

Check out Part 2 of this blog where I will cover backgrounds, green screens, and lighting.

Enjoy the process! Linda

PS The vodka bottle in the top photo was used as a prop only! ๐Ÿ˜‰


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